Thursday, September 10, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Erm..arini dah ramai org balik kampung...esok giliran aku pula...tiket maraliner..kul 10 pg...dr kuantan balik jb tanah tumpah drhku....kepada mak n abah...esok angah balik..kte g shopping my little brother....ooowwhh dah habis pekse ye..xpe..angah bwk cter best2 kte tgk mse cuti k..

Then,,,aku nak minta maaf kalo ade slh n slap sme ade sedar atau diluar sedar..kita manusia xpenah lepas dr melakukan keslhn..aku juga akui..kdg2 cara percakapan juga mampu mencetuskan perselisihan kita xsedar...nak wat mcm mne..kite ni lalai...
So di kesempatan ni aku nak ucap Selamat Hari Raya..kepada semua kengkawan...xkire kat mne korang sambut raya..yg pntg..keselamatan kne jaga tau....kalo mkn tu ingat2 sikit org kat Palestin tu ade yg xmkn...jgn membazir....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Berbuka Puasa Bersama RoomateKu Yg Kecoh~~~

Ahad lepas tbe2 je rse nak g buke pose sme2

al maklumlh before ni sume sibuk...yg ke pekan len,yg test len,yg bt lab sheet len..


sibuk btul....then ade mse so kite org g lh buke sme2...

pergi dgn xplan ape2 nasib lh ade no phone kedai tu Sinar Mesra

wakaakakakaka alah lgpn akak tu dh kenal sgt dgn kte set 1 table...

lepas mkn...kite org g mkn ice cream yg enak..hua3...kenyang sgt..smpi letih nak tngga...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Saya..Di ketika itu....

Perhatian ini bkn lawak bodoh atau "SPONTAN " yg korang selalu tgk tu tp ini adalah berdasarkan kreativiti anda sbg pelawak....

Arahan :
Sila sambung ayat di atas sehingga menjadi sebuah cerita kelakar supaya ia dpt menghiburkan hati saya wakaakakakaka ayat xtahan..ok bermula dengan ayat ini maka panjang karutan anda tidak ada had cume ingat ini " IA MESTI KELAKAR" WAKAKAKAKAKAKA

SAYA DI KETIKA ITU.....................................................................................................................

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zinger Hours...

erm mggu aku g berlakon mandarin kt TC...jd kite org g mkn kt KFC mse tu blum pose lg ok...
then tgh2 order..mira ni nmpk jam zinger warne pink..n then die pn nk jam tu...disbbkn aku ni xjoin besday party die aritu..aku pn beli lh 1 set zinger burger n bru lh blh dpt jam tu..happy gler mira bile dpt jam tu actually die bkn nk jam tu tp die berkenan kat warne jam tu..aku rse lh ek...
So mira terimalh hadiah dr omunyi ko ni...

Malam Itu....

Minggu lepas,aku nak balik rumah sebab nak sambut ramadan dgn family..ntah kenapa mak aku sibuk sgt suruh aku balik..jd ak ni dgn xprepared ape2 pn trus g cri tiket n tiket yg ade cume pukul 6 ptg pd ari jumaat..yg mne esok nye nak pose..aku ni sbnrnye takut nk balik lwt2 ni pasal aku gerenti smpi umah dlm kul 12 tgh mlm...then nak xnk ak balik juga..

Tbe kat trminal dah nak kul 6..mule2 cuak gak.maklumlh jln jam..ingat kn dah tertinggl bus tp rupanye bus xsmpi2..smpi kul 7 bru bus smpi..ak pn naik lh bus...bile dh naik bus..rse lega lh sikit walaupun aku takut pasal jln yg aku akn lalui ini berbukit bukit...tawakal jelah..tbe kat rompin jam pada waktu itu sdah 9.30 pn dah balik terawih..aku yg sdg asyik terlelap tbe2 terjaga kerana terasa sakit pd kaki aku n aku tgk kaki aku berdarah n ada bdk yg lain tu lg teruk rupe2nye mse bus kite org lalu kat tp jln mse kat rompin tu..ade bdk2 kmpung ni baling batu pd bus kite org...driver bus xsedar pn smpi lah ade bdk menjerit-jerit..

Then,driver bus tu stop n patah balik kat tmpt yg ade bdk baling batu tu, rupenye pak cik bus tu sedar ade bdk kat tp jln tp die xtau pula yg bdk2 tu baling batu kt cermin bus..
then pak cik bus tu dgn xbg explanation trus turun dr bus tggl kn kite org berdrh mcm tu jek..bygkn dr kul 9.30 smpi kul 12 mlm kite org dibiar je kat dlm bus..dh lh kesejukkn..mak abah aku pula sibuk cll tnye aku kt mne..mule2 xnk lh gtau yg aku ni cedera tp kne jugak bgtau sbb aku ni xsmpi2 kt jb..pnye lh risau die org..

Menjelang kul 12 mlm..tbe2 ade polis naik bus n amik gmbr cermin yg pecah tu n bdk yg cedere teruk tu di bwk ke hospital...then bru lah pak cik ckp yg dr td die g cri bdk2 yg lempar batu tu..n dah dpt tangkap pn..polis dh bwk g balai...huh..bus pn berjln semula..xsmpi stgh jam bus tu stop lg...aku ni dah bengang kn bile lh nak smpi jb ni..dlm hati ni Tuhan je tau...rupe2nye pak cik tu nak kne bg statement kt balai..aku yg dr td xbersih kn kaki aku yg luke amik keputusan utk g tandas n bershkn luke..dlm sejam gtu pak cik tu kt balai..bdk2 yg lempar batu tu sume skali 5 org..kesian mak ayah die org terpakse kne byr ganti rugi RM4000 utk 1 cermin yg pecah..

Habis je bg statement..dlm kul 1 gtu..bus pn berjln lg...kali ni dgn harapan yg bus ni xkn stop lg..aku nk cpt smpi umah..mak abah pula dh tggu kt terminal larkin dr kul 1 lg..tbe2 bus stop lg..bdk2 dlm bus nak bersahur kononnye xtakut xsmpt nk mkn di umah..then turun lh mkn...aku yg penakut ni stay je dlm bus sbb nk jge brng2 aku...dlm kul 1.30 pg bus tu jln semula...n akhirnye aku smpi kt jb kul 4.30 pg...mak n abah yg mmg dh ade kat situ bwk ak g klinik..then balik umah bersahur solat n terus tdo mcm org pengsan....

Friday, July 31, 2009


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Once in my life....after 20 years...somebody called me selfish...
not to be so sad..but a little bit...the thing that I try to talk personally with her but then "some of my friends" has become an issues...

Actually I think by post the on my blog hope that she will be realize on what she have done before this...but....never mind lah...if she think that it's my fault to do so....

After this I do want to say anything about "SHE" but please..eventhough it's not my money but then I know there get the money from their parents who work very hard to give their childs all the important stuff for their study...

"SHE" doesn't have any right to do so.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some of My Friends....

Now...I want to talk about some of my frens...
not to be a special frens but quite close...

She..hurm how to say hah...she doesn't have enough money but still want to stick on her style..actually she's not affordable to have it..she want to buy a shoes..handbag...slack..and whatever lah...

She...borrowed the money from their own friends without thing that their friends have a money or not...what make me so angry that she doesn't have to pay back the money...the problem is..everybody knows that the loan have not deposit to the student accnt but then she are not have any intention to pay it...eventhough all the friends have been given a hint or 'perli' but she pretend to understands....what kind of this person pn I dunno lah...

So what should I do to this person...
have any ideas???

Share with me....

Alamanda...Here I Come

First of all,last Saturday I'm going to have a trip to Alamanda Putrajaya...under MPP UMP....
there sound like interesting..but's such the boring thing that I have to face it...eventhough the trip was free we just need to prepared for the lunch and "SHOPPING" but it can't be imagine the situation....

It's such the boring thing that I have to face I want to share with you about what I have done on last Saturday......

Let's check it out....


We reach there at 11.30 am...go to the toilet to refresh myself.....

wondering around like a crazy person.....dunno where I'm should go....turn left or right...ground floor of first floor...uhhhh

Hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!..Burger King waited for me...with my frens...become tired..stay there for 2 hours..eats...take photo....laughing....make a joke...and so on....

After that.....
Go for the shopping..brought some a memory....

Nothing much special there b'coz it's same as my place....

But then..thanks for giving me chance to have this kind of experiences...hahahaha.....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Wish Me Luck Hah

I'm going to have a Medsi test from KPM....

maybe two weeks from now....
actually this is 2nd time for me to take this test...I'm quite nervous bcoz I actually dunno what kind of this answer that they want from me...

But,hope that you all pray for my success...

What I Need To Do????????????????/

such boring for the begginning of the new semester...
can't understand on what happen to me...
at first I excited to come back
but now.............
I'm want to go back to my lovely house.....
sometimes feel lonely..
sometimes feel bad....
sometimes need to focus...
sometimes need to changes...
sometimes got headache..
sometimes turn to childish...
WHAT SHOULD I DO RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Come Back n Turn To Crazy

huhuhuh come back after semester break........
wow...the amazing think that I have done is to pick all
my stuff to the top level of the hostel....
OMG it is much adventures for me....

Hah about the semester break...there's not special thing that i have done coz a lot time I spent for helping my mom and be a 'mak cik kantin' for a 2 month without MC...

huh then after all those thing now I turn back ang hang out with my frens b4 I need to face a lot of assgmnt huahuauhauhauhauha

So that's for all my frens wish u good luck for this new semester....bye2

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Luck To All Of You

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Final Exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what final exam just around the corner????
it's something that I can't believe it's too fast.......
there are a lot of things that need to reads and study....
it make me getting worried......

Study week it the best time for me...
go back to my house and study alone maybe the best thing for me...
lack of pressure, having a much time with my family, and the best part is can eat the chicken rice....

wah happy.... happy.....

To all my frenz...good luck for this final exam..wish u all the best...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Stars can't be like that if one of us do not want to put their fingers on the table...actually I don't want to talks about the stars but the friendships....
Recently, I'm feel regret with my friends..not to judge them at the bad side..but when they have a kind of relationship with others they leave their's not fault to have a boyfriend or girlfriend but we must respect our friends...
For me, they must be fair to their roomates, friends and boy or gilfriends...and one more things as young we shouldn't to be arrogant to other friends who are more mature and older than us..sometimes what they are talking about it is true...
Remember life without boy or gilrfriend still can be go throught but life without F.R.I.E.N.D.S
MEANS THAT YOUR LIFE LIKE A kite that break the string and can't be fly anymore...

It's so lovely....
Actually this photo I pick during the talks series of Project Management...
because of the talks it so bored then I do my own 'Talks' heheheeh...

Guess who hand was that???
1. wearing the ring
2. tall n thin person
3.wearing the spectical

The person is _ _ _ _ _ _ _

It's true???? Hoyee hoyee actually it really true...girl, money and time plus one more thing shopping can't be seperated...but then when girl like me have a money and time so release my tension because I can have my vacation, go for shopinng and travelling somewhere...for girl life are so meaningless without money and shopping....

For men, you must be get A+ you must study the types of girl that you are interested one's. But sumthimes as a girl I wouldn't like if my prince do all the things for me..I know who am I...we should share I right????

So to all the boys and girls we must understand each others don't be so materialistic and high expectation to both of us..

LOVE is much PRECIOUS than our SHOPPING and MONEY....

Happy Anniversary Mak Abah


long time not see...

but I'm still here...

well 4th April 1985...that time it will become a sweet memory for my parents because that day they become and wife and husband..I'm very sure that they are very happy...

Now it about 24 years they have go throught this life together..all the sweet and bad things happen to them, they will be together..wahhh is so sweet...

With have 4 naughty childrens althougth we are mature right now but we are still fight for sumthing heheheh but mak an abah still give what we it time for us to make your happy for the rest of your life...

Last but not least to En Abd Karim B Jali & Pn Kamisah Bt Sammary...your kids want to wish

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Guess WhaT?????

hahahahaha it's me...
Now I'm want to talk about this bracelet...guess who the person give it to me????
hhahahaha it's so lovely...actually this is my first time to get this kind of present during my birthday....before this I'm just wearing the bracelet that was given by my mom...
It was shock for me at first because he told me to open the dashboard of the car..then make feel weird because I'm thought there is something inside that the first I don't want to opened it but I need to do ...
After that I saw a box....jeng..jeng..jeng...hahahaha then I pulled the cover and saw the shining bracelet..hhhah....I'm smiles for a minutes...and feel word can be interpreted during that time...happy..happy..happy...
Thanks for that present..I'll taking care of it as our symbol of relationship....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thanks..My Dear

Actually I would like to said thanks to my dear because he makes me happy...althought it was sudden but then I'm very have change my life..makes me wonder at first..maybe this first time for me to accept this kind of person in my life...
Hahahahaha....sometimes feel that it too fast for us...but then I'll accept as far as I can...between us have a kind of relationship that need to be secret at first without told to our friend...
During my 20th's so lovely day for can be never forgotten for the rest of my life...he really show me how much he loves me...
I'm so speechless...never have this kind of experiences...I hope that I'll become the perfect one's in his life...taking care of his...and make his life so meaningful...