Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Valentine's Day???

On February 14th, much of the world celebrates St. Valentine's Day. This holiday centers around the concept of love. This makes it second only to Boxing Day as the holiday least understood by most of the world. It's hard to talk much about love without lapsing into song, poetry, or convulsions, depending on your current experience with it.

I've compiled a few of my favorite quotations about love for this week's edition of Quotes of the Week. As those of you familiar with my collection have already guessed, most of my favorite quotes are, well, a bit negative. Realizing this, I've tried to mix in a few positive voices about love here and there. If you think I'm mocking Valentine's Day by including some of these quotes, you're probably one of those people who are in a happy relationship and are on the verge of lapsing into song yourself, and I doubt this page will do anything to calm you down.

On a more serious note, some of you out there are shy. You're dreading Valentine's Day because you'll have a chance-- almost an obligation--to let that certain someone know how you feel, and it's not easy. Believe me, I've been there. Take my advice: do it. I let quite a few Valentine's Days (and other holidays) go by without making my feelings known, and all I got for my trouble was a bad case of bitterness (how do you think those quotes got into my collection?) Things may not work out, but there's no worse regret than the feeling that you could have had a chance, but didn't even try.

And for those of you who are married, or in a relationship, don't let the day go by unnoticed.