Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love Someone Without Knowing His Feeling

long time no see...

Now I'm want to share sumthing about the person that I love but then I can't have it...
the sound like something sad but as being as good fren then I've let him go with the person that he loves one...actually the girl that he loves it's my bestfren....

Hhahahaha....actually I've no idea about that guy..but as far as I know him he is a good person and quite funny...then he tell me that she loves that girls and want me to to do his favour to get that the first time it's difficult for me to do that time only I feel want to cry and tell by own why he must choose my best fren but then maybe I'm not good enough for him...

huhhhhh I can't accept it but at the same time I try to tackle that girl which is my bestfren for him...and now they in process to getting closed.....and what happen to me???

Actually I've no idea what to do right now...but if they are going smoothly..then I'm happy to both of sides......

To my fren...I'm wish u happy and being together always......


norMAzuan MUstafa said... crita korea lak ek

Anonymous said...

sya jgn ar sdh kk...
kumbang bkn sorang...
mungkin satu ari nanti sya akn dpt laki yg lebh baik dr 2..
mungkkin kita xleh nk mengelak dr perasaan sk 2...
ehmmm ni smua lumrah kehidupan..

norMAzuan MUstafa said...

aku taw nie cita btol ko sje jer ksi gimik ckit...uhhuhuh....btol ckp kak ila kita ko ckp r kn, mklukh nie d jdikn bpasang pasangan....

tq atas fedback ko.....